Tuesday, February 27, 2007


"Truth is stranger than fiction because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't." - Mark Twain

Glorious! Is the perfect example of this quote; who would think this is a true story if nobody tells it at the beginning? And that's what makes it interesting. At start, the play seems like a normal one, little story of an old woman singing, but as the story goes on, you start thinking: "What the hell is that?!?!" Literally, there is no word to describe the first time she starts singing… Oh my god! I thought my ears would explode. And the end is pretty weird too…! Nobody could have thought of a story like that; if somebody did, he would probably be hooted or interned. But because it's a true story, it makes it interesting how she acts and reacts to stuff that normal people would tend to hurt themselves to; makes you realize that there are lot of weird people out there. It's also a proof that sometimes, confidence and ignorance can make you go a long way into fulfilling your dreams.

1 comment:

Jane said...

What a perfect picture of the character! I thought the ending made the play powerful by driving home the message that this eccentric character was based on a true story, confirming that truth is stranger than fiction.